▪️051▪️In 2012, after a few episodes of panic attacks, I decided to go to therapy and start looking inside. The breakdowns always led to the questions What am I missing? Why do I feel so weird all of the sudden? I have the husband I want, the job I want, the apartment I want in the area that I wanted it. I have my friends and family close by. I have everything. Then, I would think: Is this life? To have it all? I just need to have kids one day and then, die? I knew I was missing something; I just didn't know what! My entire life I've been checking things off a list, the list of life, right? Go to college✅ Find a job✅ Get married✅ Buy a house Have kids... . But it turns out that was not enough for me. Therapy made me realize that I had to fulfill personal goals, goals I didn't have in mind at the time. Little by little I started exploring other things when I discovered that I wanted to switch careers, from advertising to branding. I then heard about the Branding program at @svanyc and I suddenly stopped having those panic attacks. I now had a reason to fight for something again. I realized I was too comfortable following society's expectations instead of creating a list of my own expectations and allowing myself to think differently. I will always be thankful to my therapist who helped me look inside and even challenged me to pursue my vision. I learned that therapy is not for the crazy ones, it is for those who realize they want more out of life, they want change, they want growth #courageis #the100dayproject #sva100days #therapy #day51 #psychotherapy #panicattack #mentalhealth #anxiety #hellofears

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When I graduated from high school I wanted to travel for a year to Paris to study French. There was only one problem, no one else wanted to do the same thing I wanted. Some friends wanted to go to Florence to learn Italian, others to Israel and othe…

When I graduated from high school I wanted to travel for a year to Paris to study French. There was only one problem, no one else wanted to do the same thing I wanted. Some friends wanted to go to Florence to learn Italian, others to Israel and others to London. In that moment, I scratched my dream and decided to stay in Venezuela. At least Adam was there. Until, he wasn't. Just a few months after I graduated, he had the opportunity to transfer to the University of Florida, and I stayed in Venezuela, by myself, no friends and no boyfriend. In that moment, I knew that I needed that to happen as a lesson that I should've chosen the uncomfortable path, what I now call, the growth path. Do I regret not traveling to Paris by myself? I do. They say the only things we regret are the ones we didn't do. When you choose comfort the universe is not going to support you and make things easy for you. You have no idea how many stories I've heard of people who hated their jobs but decide to stay regardless, because of comfort, and then, when they least expected it, they got fired. That is not bad luck or bad performance. That, my friend, is the Universe saying: if you don't get uncomfortable, we will get you uncomfortable. In that case, getting fired is a blessing. But why wait till that point? Let's start making growth choices by ourselves. Because when you do, the universe will have your back ✨


Many suggested I do a post about saying NO. So here it is! When we say NO, and we really want to say NO, we show respect for ourselves, we are compassionate with ourselves and we show we are in control of our life. I deeply admire and respect those …

Many suggested I do a post about saying NO. So here it is! When we say NO, and we really want to say NO, we show respect for ourselves, we are compassionate with ourselves and we show we are in control of our life. I deeply admire and respect those who only say YES when they really want to. We fear people will not like us if we say no to them, or that they will never ask us back. But that's not true. People who like you enough will keep asking, keep inviting you and will understand you have limits. Also, we don't need to excuse ourselves for every NO that we give, so let's practice this week saying NO and then keeping quiet. Can you do it? I'll try it as well 💪🏼✨


Listening to others' opinions can definitely be helpful, but at the end, it is up to us to decide. Others will typically suggest what THEY feel is right for us. If it were for my uncle I would've studied architecture (I hate straight lines). If it w…

Listening to others' opinions can definitely be helpful, but at the end, it is up to us to decide. Others will typically suggest what THEY feel is right for us. If it were for my uncle I would've studied architecture (I hate straight lines). If it were for my parents I would've had two kids by now, and if it were for my in-laws I would've never moved to NY. I know they all love me very much and want the best for us, but I'm glad I had the courage to follow my gut and trust my decisions. If I would've followed their advice I wouldn't have been writing these lines (I would probably be drawing them in a light box with a 📐) ✌🏼